Monday, 8 March 2021

Advice From People Who Have Been Through It

It's normal reaction to see psychiatrist for anyone who suffers from depression. There is another equally effective way that is to listen to those people that actually struggled with and successfully overcome it.

overcome anxiety

Some of the advices are as follow:

- 'For anyone out there who is struggling, know that you're not alone, there are others out there going through what you are going through too.'

- 'What you feel is real and it matters. Give yourself a break, take some time off even if it's just a day on the weekend.'

- 'Get off the couch, force yourself on a walk. Make sure you're moving your body. It doesn't matter if it's dancing or joking, just move that body!'

- 'Be good to yourself, forgive yourself, be kind to yourself, you deserve it.'

- 'Write down things you are grateful for everyday. Whenever you find yourself in those dark places, stare at the list that you have written and read it out loud until you believe it. It's going to be OK. You have so much more to live for.'

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