We all have ambitions, climb the corporate ladders, buy big houses,
travel the world, be a successful YouTuber who has millions of followers and
the list goes on and on. All the motivational gurus told us that we could do
anything as long as we focus our minds on it. Being positive minded is
definitely a good thing but this type of teaching only tells us half the story.
You see, just being positive is not really enough.
When Covid-19 hit last year, a lot of so called ‘gurus’ in various
fields popped up overnight in the internet universe. There are people who want
to tell you how comfortable they are because of the digital business that they
do. That they have work-life balance, they choose when they want to work or not
work. Then there are those who boast about how good their negotiation skills
are when they managed to close a million dollar deal over a meal at a Mamak stall
by the road side in Malaysia. There are even those who would go to the extent
of lecturing you that the only way to be happy is to celebrate life itself.
They are almost implying that if you find yourself in a bad situation, it is
all your own fault as you can simply turn the switch inside your head and you
would instantly change your life. Imagine you tell a person who has just lost
his entire family to fire that he should celebrate his life, I won’t blame him
if he instantly land his foot on your face. Honestly, I’m sick of this idea
that positivity will solve all problems.
The problem is lots of people believe them as they make it sounds so
easy to achieve success. Most people want to get what they want in the shortest
time possible. This is exactly the weakness that the motivational ‘gurus’ focus
on when they target their potential ‘customers’. They are fully aware that most
people want to achieve success without putting in too much effort. In fact, it
would be better if they don’t have to do anything at all!
If positive thinking is the answer to all our problems, then American
would still have Donald Trump as their President. He was ‘positive’ that he won
the election (even though he didn’t) to such an extent that he couldn’t
differentiate reality from imagination. He was basically living in his own
bubble. A lot of these so called ‘gurus’ failed to tell their audience the
truth, that success does not only come from purely positive attitude. It also
requires other equally if not more important ingredients to make it happen - hard
work and perseverance. You won’t become wealthy by just sitting on your couch
whole day and feel confident inside your own mind that you will be rich one
day. It is not only impossible but also stupid!

The success gurus that I would like to learn from are people like
Dwayne Johnson. This guy’s achievement is entirely due to his hard work. He
wakes up 4 o’clock in the morning to work out. He then eats his breakfast and
go on working on his other works like movie and so on. He only gets about 4
hours sleep each day. He believes that he succeeds because he knows he is
always the hardest worker in the room. There is no short cut in life. We reap
what we sow. If we want to have good harvest, start planting the seed NOW!
我想学习的成功专家是像巨石Dwayne Johnson这样的人。这个家伙的成就完全归功于他的努力。他早上四点醒来锻炼身体。然后,吃早餐,继续从事电影等其他作品的创作。他每天只有大约4个小时的睡眠。他相信自己会成功,因为他知道自己比其他人努力。生活没有捷径。我们收获我们所播种的。如果我们想获得丰收,那就要立即开始下苦工!