Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Lessons I Learnt From Covid-19

Year 2020 is indeed an extraordinary year. A lot of unexpected events have happened. It was supposed to be the year when Malaysia celebrates the achievement of Vision 2020, but we all know that it didn't realized. We then witnessed the sudden change of government early of the year. Most significantly of all, the world was hit by unprecedented crisis known as Covid-19.

A lot of us have never experience World War I & II in our lifetime. Covid-19 will be the closest experience one can get of living through a war zone liked world. The modern world that we all live in likes to categorize things into different classes. First World Nations vs. Third World Countries; Rich vs. Poor; Democracy vs. Communism etc. One powerful message that this pandemic conveyed to us is that we are all the same after all, we are all vulnerable regardless of your wealth; age or physical fitness. Everyone citizens on earth is still grappling with this pandemic as I am typing these words. No, the virus doesn't discriminate, only human did.

During the period of lock down, I thank GOD for my health and have the rare opportunity to slow down and did some serious thinking. I have come up with a four key points for myself which I think are the real importance stuff in life:

1. Refocus on GOD instead of myself.

Don't you agree that nowadays everyone is only interested in themselves. Just look at all the postings on social medias. It's all about looking at me, like me, me, me and more me. Honestly, who do you focus at every time look at a group photo? Yourself of course! Our over emphasis on ourselves is the main reason why so many people are suffering from anxiety and depression today. Just let it go, look at ourselves in GOD's eye. Focus on Him, we are too small to deserve such attention.


2. It's time to stop wasting more time on worry for no obvious reason.

I'm one of those who always worry about anything. I worry about how others will judge my work. I worry about whether my health will deteriorate over (Of course it will! We can't stop the natural process of aging so stop worrying!). I worry about whether I'll still have a job tomorrow (This is universal worry of lots of people especially in this uncertain times). All our worries have one thing in common, they are things that are yet to happen, they are incidents that we imagine in our heads for the future, in other words, they have not happened yet. That day may never come, so why worry? We only have control of the PRESENT which we should be grateful that it is a gift from GOD (See the link here? PRESENT = GIFT).

3. Eat healthy and exercise regularly.

It's hard not to be tempted by all the wonderful food available especially when you grow up in Penang, the de facto Food Capital of Malaysia (some say Asia too). But seriously, if we keep on satisfying just our tongues and neglect about our bodies, our bodies will give up on us.

4. Constantly asking myself this question: 'What really matters in life?' My answer to the question is: 'GOD, Health & Family.'

When you put this in perspective, you will realize that we wasted too much time on things that don't really matter. Just think about it, what are some of the things that you are proud of doing today? Isn't it scary when the answer echoes back in your mind is 'NONE'? 

Start claiming back your life. This pandemic shows us that this has now become the most urgent thing to do!

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